Thursday, September 27, 2012

Networking virus

Post status on Facebook, share a link, tweet, re-tweet or post video on YouTube.

I'm pretty sure either one of these have become so common to us or the least I can say, everyone do this. But, have you ever think of how many people actually view them, share them and concerns about them?

In common case, it's not gonna be one person, not two, not three, not a few. It's actually a lot! 

Let's say, you posted a YouTube link on Facebook, then three of your friends (this is like the least number I guess unless you posted something totally not interesting at all :p) like them and some might share them on their page. And friends to your friends gonna watch it and share it on their page. Then, it goes on and on.. 

This might seems not really a lot to some of you, but let's put it in a figure.

Don't you realize it's like a virus that spread everywhere in this "internet world"? 

Of course it's gonna be awesome if you post something good, interesting and pleasant. It's like you giving a medicine or vitamin to people. 
But, what if the post somehow might be offensive or unpleasant to some people or certain issue. Can you imagine how they might be "infected" by this action? 

Here I just would to share a video to show how bad this virus can be. Check it out~! and think about it..

The "virus" actually come from you. and you might become one of the carriers. 
So, think first before you post something, before you share a link or picture, and before you tweet and retweet. :) 


  1. This is a one great piece! The author really tells us about what's happening around us everyday. I like the part where the author put the map of the information distribution(the one with the red dots). But, i think it would be a good idea to add statistical data/fact in this article. For instance, mention the Facebook peak hours, (roughly between 12noon-3pm and 7pm-9pm) and relate how posts between posting in the peak hours can make the virus be even more viral.

  2. This information is very good and it makes people to think before doing something which they may not realize what they are doing actually could hurt other people feelings. It create awareness to the public. Therefore, what I've learnt from this blog does gives a good impact to me.And of course the way the writer describe how the 'virus' travel is very clear and it actually clicked my mind "Wow, how come I didn't thought about this at all,now that I know". A very informative piece. Good job. :)And thanks for the information! Anyway I crossed my heart I will think before I post something. ;)

    1. hey thats great to here that someone actually gain something from my post. my goal achieved then :)

  3. This information is great. . the diagram actually shows how it the info is distributed. . overall it is an awesome info. .

  4. hey firdaus. i think thats a brilliant idea. i didnt think of it when writing this. u can write about it on ur blog though.haha!

    1. hey nadiah. i think thats a brilliant idea. i didnt think of it when writing the comment because i dont blog anymore.haha

  5. Great info...but tired of reading text. Should i comments here???

    1. it looks 3 times longer because u read it from phone
      a desktop version would be just fine. hahaa. but maybe i should make it shorter then.but of all, i hope you got what im trying to say here. :)

  6. This piece really helps the reader to understand the context better. .It is organised and elaborated well. nice work :-)

    1. thanks! just writing what i think most people might overlook about it

  7. What can i say, a piece of excellent work! I mean, not much people have ever come out with this idea,and u have elaborated it so well and I'm pretty sure a lot of people will learn something from here!
    Good Job! :)

    1. thanks..i just share n applied pretty much what i've learn from ths internet mktg class. bcause I think not so many people actually care much about it. hope this would help to gv sime some of awareness.. :)

  8. Great article! It's surprising that people don't realize the impact of the little things they do on the internet.

  9. I really like the figure because it visualizes the danger of spreading things in the internet more clearly. Often, we notice the 'virus' but we are too ignorance to admit the harm. I think the best way to let people know about this is by having the 'figure' and more articles like this being shared and RT, so that we can combat the virus!

  10. Networking virus is undoubtedly a major concern, but yet the issue is being overlooked by the societies. My target group would be the youngsters who just started their own facebook or twitter account as a tool of fame at school or spreading rumors, let's say students in middle school for instance. I think we should educate this specific target group for better awareness. :))))

  11. This is what i call an informative article. Something most of us do in our everyday life but fail to notice. The article is very critical in its delivery and i hope the writer would be able to write more article related to our daily routines. nice~
